mid & late 80s

Still living in Montreal that had one of the most vibrant nightlife in the world during these years, where I mainly frequented among others : the Beat, the Business, the Poodles where I even worked as a DJ, the Passeport and the Lézard.

Probably from 1983, contains music inspired by the Beat (Montreal club) where I spent a lot of time

Probably from 1983, a melting pot of genres, unfortunately pretty bad sound quality

Probably from 1983, the last of my so-called New Wave cassettes, with some serious Punk accents at the end of side B

Probably from 1983, an 'interesting' mix of New Wave and Jon & Vangelis

I think from 1983, as its 'not very commercial' name indicates contains songs by more obscure bands like Joy Division, Virgin Prunes, etc.

Probably from 1984, more music inspired by my time at the Beat (Montreal club)

Probably from 1984, more music inspired by my time at the Beat (Montreal club)

Probably from 1984, more music inspired by my time at the Beat (Montreal club)

Probably from 1985, gift from my friend Paul 'Cowpie' Raymer, DJ at the Beat (Montreal club) at the time, showing his extensive tastes

Saturday February 23, 1985 live at the Beat (Montreal club) with DJ Martin St-Pierre from midnight until 01:30

Saturday February 23, 1985 live at the Beat (Montreal club) with DJ Martin St-Pierre from 01:30 until 03:00

Probably from 1985, live at the Beat (Montreal club) with I think my friend Paul 'Cowpie' Raymer at the wheels of steel

From 1985, back to my homemade cassettes, with good sound quality except maybe for the first tracks on each side

From 1986, with good sound quality except maybe for the first tracks on each side

From February 1987, I think the title is a reference to the fact I didn't like the music at the Business (Montreal club) anymore

From April 1987, live at the Poodles (Montreal club) with yours truly DJing from midnight until 01:30

From April 1987, live at the Poodles (Montreal club) with yours truly DJing from 01:30 until 03:00

From April 1987, a real melting pot of oldies and current songs of all genres

From Spring 1987, contains its fair share of original House from Chicago

From 1987, not included because of its sound quality but for its unique songs choice

October 1 1987, live at the Poodles (Montreal club) with me DJing on my birthday and last night at the Poodles from midnight until 01:30

October 1 1987, live at the Poodles (Montreal club) with me DJing on my birthday and last night at the Poodles from 01:30 until 03:00

From 1988, end of night live at the Poodles (Montreal club) with my DJ colleague 'crazy Aria' (first 2 songs removed for quality issues)

From January 1989, live at the Poodles (Montreal club) before its closure, unfortunately bad sound quality forced me to make some cuts
